Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Madrid Adventure: Segway Tour

If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know that we're addicted to Segway tours. A super fun way to see three times what you'll see on a walking tour and twice as fast as a bus tour. This one was probably our least favorite as our guide was more interested in telling us about his business model and how he has the best type of segways, than about Spanish history, but even a bad segway tour is pretty darn awesome. Here are some of the places we zipped around.

This is the royal castle, not old by any means and apparently built in a bit of a hurry so still under completion. We had hoped to tour through, but ran out of time.
It was a perfect sunny day - a little hot in the afternoon with the sun beating down, but a nice cool breeze in the morning. A welcome change from the sweltering heat and humidity that's still hanging on in Abu Dhabi.
Another little cathedral - lots of work inside by Spanish painter Goya - too bad no photos allowed!
Brian mastering the stairs on his segway.

A look down into a marble sculpture garden.

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