Wednesday, January 20, 2016

French Polynesia: Motu Mahana

One of the highlights of a Paul Gauguin cruise is the day at Motu Mahana. A motu is a small island - I mean really small. This one is owned by the Paul Gauguin and they are the only ones who use it. For that day, they pretty much move the entire ship to the island. Deck chairs, full lunch BBQ, little 'shops', crafts and activities and . . .  a floating bar. It's a super relaxing day of snorkeling, kayaking, sunbathing and eating.

Single and double kayaks available. The area is super calm so the kayaking isn't any work at all.

Our camp (at least until the sun shifted and we had to move). Yep, that's Brian reading a book - some things never change.

The floating bar and a newly arrived group getting off the tender.

A view of the boat from the Motu.

There were some tables from the boat (like the spa selling sunscreen) and some local craftspeople. Shells, pareos and pearls, oh my!

Pretty idyllic day.

Yep, not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

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